Category: Activity

May 02
The 4 Ps of a Hobby

It all started as two competing startup ideas around gardening and music. But when we…

Feb 23
Plan your travel and tours on your own…

… with just TripAdvisor and Skyscanner After a couple of bad experiences with…

Sep 27
Balance in Life for Holistic Wellness & Development

A few Frameworks for Reference During one of the ‘parenting lecture’ sessions with my…

Sep 10
Kerala- An epic tale of braving calamity, resurrecting resolve and igniting compassion

Kerala monikered “Gods Own Country” is a beautiful state in the southwestern region of…

May 26
Nature at Turahalli Forest

This one is in continuation with my earlier post on Butterflies at Turahalli Forest…

Mar 28
Butterflies at Turahalli Forest near Bangalore

It was my daughter’s 13th birthday, and we wanted to do something unique and…

Mar 24
Super Blue Blood Moon 2018

When I first heard the term it was a mixed up deja-vu of a lot terms I had heard…

Mar 11
Goa – just drive from Bangalore

This is my 2nd write-up on our Goa trips.  Actually, this was my 4th trip to Goa, the…

Feb 11
Technique and Warm up

I have a hunch that many of you will assume this to be about some sport, exercise or a…

Jan 31
Wholistic Vocalist by Ma.Ja

The ‘Wholistic Vocalist’ workshop by Mathangi Jagadish a.k.a. Ma.Ja was an eye opener…

Jan 25
Navadarshanam – a new way of life

Living in Bengaluru nowadays distances you a lot from nature and life as it used to…

Jan 23
Diu of Goa, Daman and Diu fame

Hokka Trees: You can’t miss them They’re everywhere – so don’t…

Jan 12
Gujarat Part 3 – Rann of Kutch, Little Rann

This covers the 3rd and best part of our Gujarat trip … Bhuj, Rann of Kutch (or…

Jan 12
Gujarat Part 2 – Somnath, Gir, Junagadh

This is the 2nd part of our Gujarat trip covering Somnath temple, Gir Wildlife…

Jan 12
Gujarat Part 1 – Ahmedabad, Lothal, Blackbuck

This is the 1st part of the Gujarat trip, covering Ahmedabad, historic site Lothal and…

May 30
Jim Corbett National Park

I seem have a very strong recall for the name Jim Corbett.  Probably parts of his book…

Sep 12
Goa – a vacation we’re ready to repeat

This covers the 1st write-up of our Goa trip (to be followed with another one).   But…

Apr 25
Pyramid Valley International

About 35 kms from Bangalore,there is a mega-Pyramid (Kebbedoddi village, Harohalli…

Sep 19
Our Native Village near Bangalore

Recently we had the opportunity of staying in a resort called “Our Native…

May 01
Malaysia! Truly Asia … but different

It was a very nice ride from the airport to our hotel. I was quite amazed at the…