Our Native Village near Bangalore

Recently we had the opportunity of staying in a resort called “Our Native Village”. This resort is about 30 kms from Bangalore, near to “Taj Kuteeram”.

If you are a lover of peace, fresh air and village life, this resort is worth visiting. They have limited rooms (around 20) and charge Rs. 8000 per day, inclusive of breakfast, lunch and dinner. This resort is an award winning Eco Retreat. They serve only vegetarian food (less of oil) and use mainly “whole foods instead of processed and polished foods”. They use bio gas stoves and most of the ingredients are organic and grown in their farm.

They have the following activities:

  • Meditation and Yoga Class
  • Swimming
  • Ride in bullock cart.
  • Play old games like Gilly-Thandu, Pallanguzhi, Kite flying, etc.
  • Milking cows, feeding rabbits, cats, chicken and ducks.

Children will enjoy this place because of fresh air, different atmosphere, tasty food and other activities.


Rooms have huge beds, nicely furnished in an eco-friendly manner. Toilets have hand made soaps and shampoos free from chemicals.  Even though the charges appear to be high, it is worth for the enjoyment we face-music of birds chirping, wind rustling the leaves, pitter-patter of rain, croaking of frogs, etc.  Really a memorable place.


On your right is a bonus pic.  While we were coming out of this area, we noticed some cast and crew busy with a film shooting.  When we enquired they told us that this was a Kannada serial called “Seethe” (about Sita from Ramayana).  During a break they allowed us to take pictures with them as well as their fancy wear.  We caught one of the Ravana kind of guy using a mobile phone … 🙂


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