Did you know that in all Head Post Offices in India, a Domestic Philatelic Deposit Account (PDA) can be opened by us to ensure that we get postage stamps and postal stationary issued by the post office, on a regular basis? We need to deposit an advance amount and replenish this deposit depending upon our requirements. Pursue Philately from home 🙂
1) Commemorative / Special issues of Stamps
2) First day Postal Covers
3) Information sheets on Stamps issued
4) Postal stationery such as Covers, Post cards, etc.
However we can choose our requirement, so that we can get them on a regular basis, subject to the deposit amount available. For example, we can choose either stamps with information sheets or stamps alone or First day covers, etc.
Whenever we get the items chosen by us, a statement is also sent along with the items, showing the opening balance in deposit account less cost of items sent and the closing balance. From this statement we can decide on the further amounts to be deposited. This will ensure that we get all the items issued, as opted by us.
For opening a philatelic deposit account, an application in the prescribed form is to be submitted to the philatelic section of the post office. The minimum deposit prescribed, at present, is Rs 200/-. After depositing the money we need to identify and indicate our requirements clearly.
At present, the items are being dispatched free “on postal service”, by registered post.
Normally these items are also sold at the philatelic bureau on cash payment. Sometimes items may be in short supply. Therefore it is better to choose the deposit route, so that we get priority over such items.
For further details, visit the Philatelic Deposit Account page of IndiaPost.
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