It all started as two competing startup ideas around gardening and music. But when we listed down what people really need to build on their hobbies, 4 primary areas started converging. Just like the 4 Ps of Marketing, we found 4 Ps of a hobby!

To expand on what one may need for their hobbies, we thought on the lines of a search platform with examples as seen below. Read each row from left to right, and it makes sense.

As you can see above, every need maps to one of the 4 Ps
* People : Coach, Accompanist
* Places : Shop, Studio
* Products : Rental, Tickets
* Programs : Workshop, Classes

However, when it comes to finding these, we seem to have too many platforms, don’t we? For example, when I made a family vacation trip, I found places to see on TripAdvisor, asked questions on Quora, shopped for items on Amazon, navigated to locations on Google Maps and then come back from our trip to share photos on Facebook or Instagram, and blog about it on Medium… (just an extreme example :-). But all of them were just about one of my hobbies – which is to travel and experience a different country. Now, the idea that all of these could converge on a common thread, a common platform is quite amazing, right?!

What is your hobby? And what would you like to see on a hobby platform? Let us know in your comments…